Why learn Alexander Technique and how can it help me?
Discover a practical approach to manage stresses and strains of modern living
Develop greater self-awareness, freedom and consciousness
Prevent and ease repetitive strain injuries
To assist recovery from and prevent musculo-skeletal stress, i.e. neck and back and joint pain
Help manage nervous system disorders e.g. Parkinsons, Dystonia, Sciatica and depression among others
Help the recovery process after for operation, injury or illness
Enhance management of stress-based chronic illness and pain
Enable greater realisation of your potential in any pursuit requiring a high level of co-ordination
Unblock latent creative skills
Manage pregnancy and childbirth with greater ease
What is Alexander Technique and what happens in a lesson?
The teacher uses gentle touch and words to guide you into a new awareness of your habits of balance and co-ordination in familiar movements and positions such as sitting, standing, bending, lying down.
You learn to observe yourself in action and notice excess tensions that feel “normal” but may be limiting movement potential and causing difficulties.
With practice you become more deeply present to your embodied self and develop the capacity to mindfully prevent and release unnecessary tension as it arises bringing a new lightness and ease.
You might work during a lesson on a chosen action or skill, such as bending to the washing machine, working with running, squatting for gardening, lifting your arm to paint a picture, sitting at a computer or the complexities of playing a musical instrument.
Whatever the action, you can learn to perform it with greater fluidity and confidence that you are reducing the chances of repetitive strain. This can be a satisfying and pleasurable experience.
Further Information
I have been a full teaching member of STAT for over 20 years and am insured by them.
Click here to see a list of published research into Back Pain; Neck Pain; Pain in General; Osteoarthritis; Parkinsons; Postural Tone and Posture; Ergonomics; Balance; Movement Co-ordination; Musical Performance; Wellbeing and Self-help; Older People; Carers and Caring; Learning and Teaching.
Click here to watch a summary 6 minute video of a major randomised control trial reported in the British Medical Journal in 2008, showing the long-term benefits of Alexander Technique in managing and resolving back pain.
The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) is the largest professional body of Alexander Technique teachers worldwide.

About me
I am an experienced Alexander Technique
and music teacher. I teach Alexander Technique,
singing and piano from home in Sway near
Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire.
I first encountered the Alexander Technique as a music undergraduate at Dartington College of Arts in 1987. I found a new personal confidence grew, anxiety lessened, my back strengthened, and my dislocating shoulders healed. I sang with greater freedom and performed with poise.
In 1998 I undertook the 3-year full-time STAT-approved training course at Hampstead Alexander Centre, qualifying in 2000.
Now after 23 years of teaching, I reflect that my relationships, work and family life have really tested my use of the Alexander Technique to the full. This wonderful life-affirming work has supported me in so many different ways. My personal journey has developed my deep awareness of the power of the Alexander Technique to resolve trauma in the mindbody and restore the individual’s ability to cope with life. My work is trauma informed as result of healing from my own journey as a parentcarer and continued psychotherapeutic supervision. In 2018-19 I studied trauma resolution with Kitty Breen, learning her Hyoid Matrix™ work. I continue to read widely and attend workshops.
I continue to teach singing and my approach is grounded in the Alexander Technique which provides a clear physiological framework for unlocking the voice, energising, strengthening creativity, and helps heal the soul. I have taught individuals and directed choirs in schools, music centres, theatre groups and churches for more than 25 years as well as performing as a soloist and in chamber choirs. I currently sing with The Orlando Singers.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many lessons will I need?
A: A course of 10 lessons offers a basic understanding of the process and the enables you to start applying Alexander Technique self-care principles in your life.
After 20-30 lessons many individuals find they able to more consistently apply Alexander Technique to their daily activities.
Those practising a skill requiring high levels of co-ordination and control, such as musicians, sportspeople, actors and public speakers as well as those with a longer term condition, often choose to make working with an Alexander Technique teacher part of their lives for as long as it takes to achieve their personal goals, whether these involve an advanced skill or daily functioning.
Q: Is there parking on site?
A: There is usually a parking space available on the drive directly in front of the practice room.
Q: What should I wear?
A: Loose comfortable clothing which does not restrict your movement and keeps you comfortably covered during lying down work is advised.
Please be prepared to remove your shoes and wear or bring socks.
Q: Are there concessionary fees?
A: Concessions are available for those suffering financial hardship.